Austria's Far-Right Refused Coalition Government After Election Victory Western Europe & CanadaChloe UrankarOctober 29, 2024Georgetown UniversityAustria, People's Party, Karl NehammerComment
Austrian far-right FPÖ wins elections led by controversial populist Herbert Kickl Western Europe & CanadaEvyn BrogleyOctober 8, 2024Georgetown UniversityAustria, far-right, electionsComment
Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen Wins Re-election Western Europe & CanadaAndrew SwankOctober 20, 2022Georgetown UniversityAustria, electionsComment
Germany and Austria Begin Gas Rationing Amid Russian Payment Crisis Western Europe & CanadaElena MartinezApril 8, 2022Georgetown UniversityGermany, Austria, Gas, Russian invasion of UkraineComment
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Gunman Claims Ties to Islamic State After Vienna Attack Western Europe & CanadaRiver HarperDecember 5, 2020Georgetown UniversityAustria, Terrorism, Islamic State, Emmanuel MacronComment
OPINION: The Co-opting of the European Far-Right OpinionKyle WangNovember 13, 2019Austria, Sebastian Kurz, Far-Right, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Italy, NorwayComment
Compass World: Nigeran President Buhari to Visit South Africa Compass WorldJackson GilletteOctober 4, 2019income inequality, Brazil, Australia, Scott Morrison, Hassan Rouhani, Iran, Romania, Hungary, Viktor Orban, Muhammadu Buhari, Nigeria, South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, Sebastian Kurz, Austria
Compass World: Austrian Elections 101 Compass World, Western Europe & CanadaEric SchichleinSeptember 29, 2019Austria, Western Europe and Canada
OPINION: Europe is Dying OpinionFelipe Lobo KoerichMarch 27, 2018Western Europe, immigration, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, AustriaComment