South Africa - Oct 03

For the third time in five years, South Africa denied the Dalai Lama a visa to visit the country. The Dalai Lama was supposed to attend a conference of Nobel Peace Laureates in Cape Town, but the event has been postponed and relocated. In total 14 Laureates wrote to President Zuma to try to have the visa granted, with no success. The mayor of Cape Town, Patricia de Lille told South African Press blamed her government for the events cancellation, which the South African Government said was a 'misleading' statement. Agence France-Presse quoted the Dalai Lama as citing the visa refusal as the reason for the event cancellation, going on to say “This is sort of bullying a simple person.”

Source: allAfrica 1, allAfrica 2


Egypt - Oct 3


Spain - Oct 3