Macron Proposes Laws to Fight Radical Islam
President Emmanuel Macron outlined a plan to fight Radical Islam by creating more oversight of the Muslim community in France (Flickr).
French President Emmanuel Macron outlined his plan to fight “Islamist Separatism” in France in a speech on October 2. The speech discussed future laws that Macron’s government would propose to combat the influence of radical Islam and to create an “Islam of France” compatible with the country’s views.
France has long placed secularism at the forefront of its values. Secularism is strictly enforced to separate the government and religion. Schools and public spaces held strict rules regulating the wearing of any religious garments, such as hijabs or kippahs.
Macron and his government faced pressure to increasingly crack down on radical Islam after its links to recent terrorist attacks in France. Macron’s own ministers walked out of a hearing in response to a university student wearing a headscarf. Protests from the Yellow Vest Movement and the trials of the Charlie Hebdo attackers exemplify recent controversies that have pressured Macron, who previously postponed this speech several times, to speak on the topic
The proposed laws suggest stricter restrictions of religion in France—more specifically in targeting the Muslim community. The measures planned include greater oversight of Muslim organizations and associations, an end to the system of imams coming to France from abroad, increased regulation on financing of mosques, rules on home-schooling, and more scrutiny for religious schools. These regulations further restrict religious rights in France in an attempt to restrict the possible spread of radical Islam in the country.
Macron’s speech faced both praise and backlash. Great criticism followed Macron’s condemnation of the Muslim community in France and the existing inability for Muslims to properly practice their religion. The speech has been labelled as an attack by Macron in an attempt to further repress Muslims in France. Macron did, however, place some of the blame for this separatism on France itself, especially in regards to its colonial past.
Macron’s speech emphasized his centrist values by attempting to unite the two sides of France. With the issue of rising tensions in France amid the COVID-19 pandemic-induced economic crisis, Macron’s actions mark his efforts to fight radical Islam and rebuild France.